Dinopark Funtana Tickets

Choose your preferred Dinopark Funtana Ticket purchase method:
  • buy online for early spot reservation and lots of payment options or
  • purchase at the park upon arrival, with both card and cash accepted.
 To cater to all our visitors' needs, we offer two ticket categories: full day and happy hour.
  • The full day ticket grants you access to a whole day of fun and exploration in the park (10 am - 6 pm),
  • The happy hour ticket is perfect for those looking to enjoy the park's attractions at a reduced rate (3 pm - 6 pm).
 Please note, tickets are time-sensitive and valid only during the selected season in the checkout (Spring, Summer, or Autumn - within the dates specified).Make sure to choose the right ticket to align with your visit plans and get ready to embark on a journey filled with excitement, fun, and dinosaur discoveries!
  • Toddlers (0-3 years)
  • Birthday children (4-14 years) during the entire month of their birthday.
  • Persons with disabilities
  • Groups of 20+ people (request via e-mail here)
  • Annual passes can be purchased at our ticket counters at Dinopark Funtana only. The annual ticket prices for children are currently €129,00 and for adults €149,00.